Research On Wells

Research On Wells

Research on Wells In Hebrew one of the words for a well is be’er. The Hebrew the word ‘well’ carries the meaning of both a ‘woman’ and ‘bride.’The Arabic is bir. It may be a cistern, natural fountain, a spring, the springs of the sea, a container for collecting rain...
Water Spirit

Water Spirit

Water Spirits BehemothBehemoth: Something of oppressive or monstrous size or power (Webster).A BEHEMOTH IS ANY SYSTEM THAT IS LARGE ENOUGH IN SIZE OR POWER TO OPPRESS ULTITUDES OF PEOPLE.It can be a religious, political, cultural, or economic system. Behemoths are...
Property Dedication

Property Dedication

Property Dedication Land is a subject that is important to God. Just like mankind has been defiled through sin and iniquity, so has land. This is why God wants men cooperate with him so that he can heal their land! Land needs deliverance just as much as people do, if...