More Precious Than Pearls

Pearls are a Healed Wound
– Pearls are a product of pain, the result of a foreign or unwanted substance entering into an oyster, such as a parasite or a grain of sand.
– Inside of an oyster shell is a shiny substance called nacar. When a grain of sand enters, the nacar cells go to work and cover the grain of sand with layers and more layers to protect the defenseless body of the oyster.
– As a result, a beautiful pearl is formed.
– An oyster that has not been wounded does not produce pearls, because a pearl is a healed wound.
– Benjamin West’s mother was out shopping one day and he was home alone with his little sister Sally. So, as little boys do, he decided to entertain himself.
– He made up his mind to paint a portrait.
– Finding some bottles of colored ink, he set to work. Very soon stains were everywhere. A trail of smudges showed his progress around the room.
– When his mother returned, she surveyed the mess in absolute silence.
She said nothing until she spotted the portrait, “Why it’s Sally!”
– She kissed him.

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