What are the Zionist Letters and who wrote them

This document is about the Zionist document which has stirred up much controversy, and many people use this as the reason for blaming Zionism and Israel and ultimately the Jewish people.

Joseph “Doc” Marquis who was raised in an occult group called the illuminati. He was born in 1956. He had became a high priest at age 13 and a master witch at 17 but severed ties in 1979 when he became a believer in Messiah. At which time he had multiple death threats and attempted assassinations upon his life, which he claims were unsuccessful because Yah/God told him He would protect him and did so until he passed in 2018.

He states that beyond a shadow of a doubt the protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a coded, illuminati document. Any document that the illuminati produces will usually be written in a code and if you don’t know the code will think it means something else.

And it’s the same with the protocols of Zion which are actually the minutes of the meetings of the order of the illuminati. It was first created by Dr. Adam Weishaupt who was the very first head of the order of the illuminati and wrote out a seven part plan for global conquest.

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